General Royal Tour (Sissi)


Időtartam: Every day except for Tuesday and Friday from Apr till Oct

Ár: 37 € / Person

 General Royal Tour (Sissi)

Visit the former summer residence of Queen Elizabeth(Sissi) in Gödöllő, which preserved he athmosphere of old times till this day. You will be able to walk through the same hallways, staircases and the park of this amazing baroque building like the princess did. 

The price includes free pickup. 

Price: 37 € / Person 


For private tours ask for our special offer.



TWINS Travel Service Kft.

Ügyvezető/tulajdonos: Turcsányi Andrea

Telephely:Budapest, Rákóczi u. 70.

Székhely: 1205 Budapest, Rákóczi u. 70.

Telefonszám: 061-283-7579

Mobil: 0630-949-5013

Faxszám: 061-283-7579

WhatsApp: +36 30 94 95 013

Facebook:TWINS Travel Hungary

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